Happy Mommy Monday!
I've always dreamed of writing my first pregnancy post, and now I can't believe my time has come. It's amazing how a little person comes along and change your life so much without even realizing it.
We are so excited! Thank you for coming to us, baby! We can't wait for the weeks ahead (the good parts ^_^) and can't wait to found out if you are a BOY or a GIRL :)
So today, I tought I'd share a little recap of what my first trimester was like.
6 WEEKS - Baby size: a blueberry
I am tired all the time!
7 WEEKS - Baby size: a raspberry
I am peeing all the time!
8 WEEKS - Baby size: a strawberry
This secret is killing us!
9 WEEKS - Baby size: a grape
Taking tons of NAPS!
10 WEEKS - Baby size: a prune
I can't eat milk products, apparently you don't like them, because you keep mommy throwing up.
11 WEEKS - Baby size: a walnut
I can't stop thinking of you!
12 WEEKS - Baby size: an apricot
I feel your little moves!
13 WEEKS - Baby size: a peach
I've reached the last week of my first trimester!
Take care, Mommies!