Sunday, December 31, 2017

Oh Baby Baby

       Oh . . . last day of 2017. The year 2017 was an important year for me. It was the year when I worked maybe most of all I can remember. It was the year with a roller coaster of emotions, from good to bad to really, really good feelings. And by that I mean, this year started pretty good, but in March I lost someone very, very dear and special to me, my furry baby Liza. I can't and I won't ever forget her, she was amazing . . . simply amazing . . .  And also very important, year 2017 was the year when we celebrated two years of marriage and our 1st wedding anniversary and we found out we were having a baby, the most exciting and greatest news ever! Year 2017 ends today with big hopes and plans for the future. And with a big belly as well. So "Oh baby baby" what a year is going to be!!!

        So, resolutions for 2018 . . . I want to go on a babymoon with my hubby and maybe a little trip with our baby girl (probably by the end of the year). But most importantly, in 2018 I want to be a great mommy. I mean to be relaxed, balanced, to make a great team with my hubby, to choose what is best for our little princess, but at the same time I want to be spontaneous and playful, so at the end of 2018 I could say: "I'm pretty sure I have a healthy and happy child." 

Happy New Year, my lovelies! I wish you a memorable New Year!

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