Sunday, November 29, 2015

DIY Advent Wreath with Glass

Happy Advent friends!
          Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of HOPE. I love the possibility of being a little creative, so every year I try to make a simple, but unique Advent wreath. And today I want to share what I did for this year. Check out my other Advent wreaths, too. (here, here, here, here)

- 4 candles
- 4 glasses
- tray
- thread

Let's get started!
 1. Place the glasses on the tray.

2. Place the candles in the glasses.

3. Add some thread around the glass.

4. Make numbers and tie them with a ribbon. 

5. Light one candle each Sunday of Advent and enjoy!

I wish you all light and hope in Advent!


  1. Oh how cool! I love candles! I have a crafts blog if you want to check it out. But it is totally up to you. Here is the link if you feel like it:
    Thanks so much! <3 -Blogger Girl

  2. Thank you so much @Blogger Girl! You're so sweet ^_^ I'm glad you like it! I saw your blog and you make such an amazing job there. Keep up the good work! Have a wonderful weekend!
